Review of the T-fal One Egg Wonder + Demonstration

T-Fal One Egg Wonder
T-Fal One Egg Wonder

Thank you for visiting this post. Please see my Youtube Video for a visual demonstration of the T-fal One Egg Wonder. If you are here from the link on my video, thank you for your continued interest.

Review The T-fal One Egg Wonder is a handy tool for making a single serving egg dish. It is small and easy to use. This pan is also useful for camping trips due to its small size and low weight. On a camping trip, I would suggest using a small butane stove for cooking.


  • Small
  • Great for single servings
    • One or two eggs
  • Lightweight
  • Reasonably priced
  • Utensils are not usually needed to cook an egg


  • No Lid
    • Buy two pans and use the other as a lid
    • The second pan can be used to cook the other side of the egg
  • The small size makes this pan unsuitable for large stove elements
    • Use the smallest element on your stove.

Recipe for Gluten Free Sausage, Egg and Cheese Sandwich

Food Items:

  • One or two eggs
  • Beef or Pork Sausage Patty
  • Glutino Gluten Free English Muffin
  • Chipotle Tabasco Sauce
  • Sharp Cheddar Cheese
  • Olive oil (I use my own olive oil in a Misto Olive Oil Sprayer)
    • Some commercial non-stick sprays have wheat in them — they are not gluten free.


  • Wrap a frozen breakfast sausage in a paper towel. Place it on a microwave safe dish. Set it aside.
  • Spray the T-fal One Egg Wonder with olive oil. (I am using two pans)
  • Defrost the Glutino English muffin in a microwave oven for 20 seconds.
  • Slice two long strips of cheese (set aside)
  • Place the wrapped breakfast sausage in the microwave oven. Do not cook it yet.
  • Separate the top and bottom of the English muffin.
  • Start toasting the English muffin.
  • Beat one or two eggs with a fork.
  • Heat the T-fal One Egg Wonder pan.
  • Pour the egg(s) into the pan.
  • If you are using a second pan, cover the first pan with it. The eggs will cook faster.
  • At this point, you should turn off the toaster oven. Usually the English muffin is ready.
  • Once the egg starts to set, cook the breakfast sausage for one minute in the microwave oven.
  • While the breakfast sausage is cooking. Flip the egg into the second T-fal One Egg Wonder pan.
    • If you do not have a second pan, use a small non metallic utensil to flip the egg.
  • Add one slice of cheese to the top of the egg in the pan. Cover the pan with the other T-fal One Egg Wonder pan.
  • Turn off the stove. Residual heat will cook the other side of the egg.
  • Remove the English muffin halves from the toaster oven.
  • Place the second slice of cheese on one half of the English muffin.
  • Remove the breakfast sausage from the microwave oven. Unwrap the sausage and discard the paper towel.
  • Place the cooked Breakfast sausage on the English muffin half that has the cheese on it.
  • Remove T-fal One Egg Wonder from the stove.
  • Place the other half of the English muffin on top of the egg in the pan.
  • Flip the pan over onto your plate.
  • Join the two halves of the English muffin together.
  • Enjoy.

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