Getting There
October 19th 2023: Seattle to Dublin
Sheryl and I spent several weeks getting up earlier each day. Over time, we shifted our schedule to the Central European Time zone. Seattle airport is relatively clean (broom swept clean). We were very surprised at how much litter we saw in the International Terminal. We walked around the terminal and watched planes prepare for long flights.

While tired (due to our time zone shifting), we boarded the plane and left Seattle at 18:50 (Pacific Time). Our trip was an overnight flight that included dinner. We are ready to go.

After a long time, we started to enter Irish airspace. We will soon land in Dublin.

We entered the European Union with barely any scrutiny. Entering the country was a quick check of our passports and a wave. We suspect that they study the passenger manifest and are quite aware of every passenger walking up the the entry point. Sheryl and I walked around the airport, drank coffee, and ate. We added to the local economy by purchasing some clothing and hats. We made it! It is 11:45 (Western European Time). Despite the proactive changes in our schedule, it is a bit of a shock to our minds that we are ready for a late breakfast in Dublin.

It is amazing how similar the weather is to Seattle in Ireland. Great weather, if you are a duck! Advice to others. If your vacation is in Ireland, the fall may be wet. Stick to Summer visits.

I officially claimed my travel to Ireland. I believe you are not in a place unless you leave something in the place you visited. In this place, I marvelled at how clean the restrooms are in the Dublin Airport.

Our plane did not have working USB ports, so we spent a little time charging our phones at our connecting gate. These 220-volt plugs are very interesting. The ground plug is the first to connect and is at the top to catch any falling metal objects. It is a safe setup. Notice that each outlet has a switch.

At 15:40, we boarded our plane to Rome, Italy.