Author name: Linus

Moka Pot

Mika Pot Coffee

Keurig coffee machines, French presses vacuum coffee pots, espresso machines and other automatic coffee makers. They are all nice, and have their place, but after a relentless pursuit, I am still satisfied with my 20-year-old mocha maker. Here are a few tips for the best brew. In my opinion, electric stove top burners are too large. […]

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New Eggs Old Eggs

You have four eggs left. You buy 24 more eggs at the store. You get home. You are putting the eggs away, and you identify a potential issue. How can you identify the old ones and the new ones? You want to eat the old ones first. Here is a method. Mark the eggshells with a

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Norpro Stainless Steel Funnel with Removable Spout

Avoid the Mess with the Norpro Stainless Steel Funnel with Removable Spout

The Ekobrew stainless steel K-Cup is vital to your strong coffee method. See my Youtube video on making strong coffee using your coffee beans in your Keurig coffee maker. Quick Strong Coffee Overview Strong coffee in a Keurig requires the following. Transferring finely ground coffee from your coffee grinder to the Ekobrew K-Cup can be challenging. Finely ground

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Whitelines with writing


On a usual day, I document all sorts of things as I develop and secure data-driven communication systems for my clients. I have a need to scan my thoughts for later recall. Lined paper distracts from the content; when scanned, the lines can interfere with written content. A product made by a company called Whitelines

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